Turning pain into purpose

Garrett Webber
Memorial Scholarship Fund

Garret Webber

Turning pain into purpose.

The Garrett Webber Memorial Scholoarship Fund’s mission is to:

  • to provide an individual battling addiction the opportunity to seek treatment, who would otherwise not have the means to do so,

  • to offer families watching their loved one battle addiction, HOPE, and

  • to continue to bring awareness of the opioid epidemic.

Our Goals

  • Goal #1

    To offer an individual the opportunity to start treatment that would otherwise would not have the means to do so. We want to make sure that when a man says, “ok, lets go!” they are able to walk through the door of a treatment facility and begin the road to recovery without having to worry about how he is going to pay.

  • Goal #2

    To bring awareness to the opioid epidemic through our annual walk. We want to educate our community about the hundreds of thousands of lives being lost to addiction. We also want to honor those that we have lost too soon.

  • Goal #3

    To honor Garrett Joseph Webber. HE is who we walk in honor of. HE is who pushes us to do more for this community. HE is the reason We Walk For Hope.

The Garrett Webber Memorial Scholarship Fund is a non-profit 501c3.

The scholarship fund was created as a way to honor a son and brother lost too soon to addiction. The Webber Family took their loss and used it to create hope for individuals and families walking through addiction. We Walk For Hope is the annual 5k walk that fundraises for The Garrett Webber Memorial Scholarship Fund. The walk also serves as a time for education about the opioid epidemic and remembering loved ones that have been lost to addiction.

Webber Family